ToneTap Documentation and Support

Frequently Asked Questions - Get the answers to most of the questions people are asking about ToneTap.

New Features in Latest Version - Find out what's new in the latest version of ToneTap.

Free E-mail Support - Contact us with your questions and feedback about ToneTap. We welcome suggestions for future upgrades.

Quick Start - The 5-minute guide to ToneTap, showing how to start making music right away by using ToneTap along with GarageBand.

ToneTap User Guide - The complete guide to ToneTap settings, effects, presets, remote control, and customization, including playing techniques for best results.

ToneTap Gear Guide - This guide will help you download and set up all of the components of a high-end digital music system, complete with links and setup information.

Sales Brochure - Here is a one-page overview of the ToneTap product and how it fits into a complete music performance or recording system.

License Agreement - Our license agreement for your reference. Please be aware that, apart from the license agreement, the contents of this website are for advertising and promotional purposes only.

ToneTap System Requirements

Operating System: Macintosh OS X 10.5 and later
Hardware: G4, G5, or Intel Macintosh
Free Disk Space: 2MB
Memory (RAM): 500MB

Recommended Software:
• Software music workstation (such as
GarageBand), or
• Standalone software synthesizer (such as
Kore Player)

Recommended Hardware:
• Headphones with 1/8" jack or adapter

Optional Hardware (for amplified playing):
• Apple Remote control for wireless interaction
• Cardioid microphone and adapter/pre-amp for Mac
• Amplifier with computer/CD level input and speakers

Optional: External MIDI hardware synthesizer and MIDI adapter
Optional: Audio in/out adapter via optical, USB, or FireWire